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Oriental Congress of Cardiology (OCC) May 2014, in Shanghai
Jiang Shi-Liang, Zhou, Daxin, Cao Qi-Ling, Ge Shuping.
(Photo: Left to right: Drs. Shiliang Jiang
(Director of Radiology, Fuwai Hospital/Chinese CV Institute), Daxin Zhou,
(Director of Catheterization Laboratory, Zhongshan Hospital/Shanghai CV
Institute), Qiling Cao, (Rush University, USA), Shuping Ge, MD (Drexel
University/St Christopher's Hospital for Children, CAAC);
News/Event in CAAC Website,
1. Many CAAC leaders and members were present in
the 8th Oriental Congress of Cardiology from May 28 to 31, 2014 in
Shanghai, China.
2. CAAC leaders and members who gave lectures
and/or chaired plenary sessions or subspecialty forums include: Drs. Hong Wang,
MD, PhD,(Co-President CAAC), Eugene Chen, MD, PhD (VP), Xinliang Ma (VP),
Minghui Zou (Co-Chair, Leadership Group in Research), Gangjian Qin, Shuping Ge,
MD, (Co-Chair, BOT), etc.
3. Dr. Shuping Ge also participated in the
"Night of Huangpu River" hosted by Dr. Junbo Ge, MD, President of
Members were
present in the 8th Oriental Congress of Cardiology from May 28 to 31, 2014
in Shanghai, China.
Dr. Hong
Wang: 前体细胞与代谢紊乱性内皮修复Progenitor
Cell and Endothelium Repair in Metabolic Disorder
Dr. Xinliang
Ma: 脂肪内分泌紊乱与心血管疾病Dysfunctional
adipose endocri nology and cardiovascular disease
Dr.Eugene Chen: 血管外周组织在高血压和糖尿病病理中的作用:朋友或敌人?Perivascular
Adipose Tissue in Vascular Health and Disease: Friend or Foe?
Minghui Zou: AMPK, 细胞代谢和氧化应激AMPK, cellular metabolic and redox sensor
Gangjian Qin: 干细胞动员与归巢和缺血心肌的修复Mobilization and recruitment of stem cells
for ischemic cardiac repair
Dr. Tianxin
Yang: 肾脏控制钠盐平衡和高血压的新进展New advances
in renal control of sodium balance and hypertension
Dr. Shuping Ge: 1) 膜周部室间隔缺损治疗:介入或外科手术 (Closure of peri-membranous VSD: Catheter or surgery) 2) 肥厚型心肌病的心源性猝死:应用超声心动图危险分层 (Sudden Cardiac Death
in HCM: Utility of echocardiography in risk stratification)